Somewhere along your professional path, you’ve encountered an abrasive leader (or were aware of one). In fact, your organization already has (or will have) abrasive leaders in its midst. As such, you’ve already observed the impact that a harsh interpersonal style inevitably has on the workplace.
But alas, as you know all too well, it is very hard to make the case for investing the resources and funds necessary to help eliminate the excessively harsh behaviour.
I’m thrilled to share with you that as of last week, we have lots of information about abrasive leadership in Canada! My sincere hope is that this information will help you make the internal business case for (finally?) addressing the abrasive behaviour in a new, and hopefully more successful way.
The Canadian HR Reporter Magazine just published the results of a survey I developed, focused on Abrasive Leadership in Canada. The survey captured everything from common abrasive behaviours, through attempted solutions, organizational factors that contribute to the problem, impact on organizational indicators – and dollar amounts associated with both the behaviour and any attempted solution.
Two hundred and fifty-seven people participated in the survey. It was not a scientific sample, however respondents represent all sectors, from across Canada.
As you know, I like to keep these blog entries short. So I’m attaching links to the information ((Hint: prepare to hear about abrasive leaders trapped in their own fallibility, fearful staff, senior leaders who turn a blind eye, organizations who lack effective mechanisms to prevent or deal with the problem, and frustrated HR professionals.). Click here for my analysis of the data and here for the full report which contains the raw data for the closed-ended questions. (For confidentiality reasons, we cannot share the survey’s numerous, and very enlightening, open comments).
I’d love to hear your comments and insights on this.
In the meantime, if you have a specific abrasive leader that you’re concerned about, check out our REAL™ Program for Abrasive Leaders or fill out our free proprietary Abrasive Leader Risk Assessment.
Need help with challenges in your organization? Don’t hesitate to contact us.