Holiday Resilience Tips

Many people find the holiday season stressful, not to mention the current financial climate!

In fact, the stress levels are such that in Britain, sleepwalking (which is strongly correlated with stress) has increased nearly four-fold since 2007, with 23 per cent of Brits sleepwalking on more than one occasion each week!

`Resilience’ is the ability to bounce back quickly from hardship, loss or change. It’s a must-have skill that needs to be developed and nurtured.

In the holiday spirit, here are the top 10 ways to know if you are resilient. You are resilient if…

1. You are able to put yourself on a recession-proof diet consisting of: a) limited intake of doom-and-gloom news; b) filing of all financial statements without reading them, preferably in a dark, remote drawer, and c) consuming chocolate on an as-needed basis.

2. When a colleague passes by and doesn’t say `hello’, you don’t take it personally

3. You find time to schedule a massage, then lie on the treatment table and go `aahhhh’

4. When your organization is `restructuring’, `reorganizing’, `right-sizing’ and `renewing’, you resist becoming negative and reactive

5. You’re able to find a blessing in your life corresponding to each and every letter of the alphabet. Special resilience marks go for doing this in multiple languages.

6. You exercise regularly and don’t complain about it

7. You keep calm when your kid says any of the following: “Are we there yet?”, “I need more money!”, or “What’s wrong with having three lip rings?”

8. You look at yourself in a full-body mirror and like what you see

9. You walk out of your boss’s office backwards, stating that some days you don’t know if you’re coming or going.

10. You bring light into the lives of the people you encounter!

Happy holidays!

We’re here to help, anytime.


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