Three Must-Ask Questions for Leaders Implementing Organizational Change.

It’s no secret that even the best change initiative will fail if you don’t get the ‘people side’ of things right. Sometimes things falter because you didn’t tend to basic issues that affect people quite profoundly. And when people are affected negatively in a profound way, the work suffers, engagement drops and the change initiative itself gets congested.

Human beings are able to move through externally-imposed change in a more resilient fashion when they have a sense of control over their unfolding reality, and when they trust those leading the change. So for you, leaders, here are three deceivingly simple questions you should tend to whenever you are planning or implementing even the tiniest step in any change initiative.

  • In this situation, How do we give our people as much of a sense of control as possible?
  • How do we protect their personal resilience?
  • How do we maintain trust in us leaders throughout this change?

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