Bar-David Consulting Launches New Incivility Training Evaluation Tool.

The truth is that when you invest your resources and dollars in training initiatives, you don’t always know what a difference it really made. As you already know, even the most lively and inspirational session does not always leave a lasting impact on the ground. Sometimes it really does. Sometimes, not so much.

At Bar-David Consulting we have been (joyfully) providing lively and thought provoking sessions that inspire people to take action. For years, our clients have been sharing anecdotal evidence about the lasting impact of our sessions. Now, we are proud to be offering our clients a systematic and simple way to evaluate what people have learned and how they are applying it on the job.

Commencing November 1st 2013, when you engage Bar-David Consulting to work with your people in a training capacity related to workplace incivility, you will be able to select the option of evaluating what your people actually learned, and what differences this is making to the quality of service.

Until May 1st, 2014, this evaluation service will be offered at no additional cost to our clients. Do not hesitate to contact us for your free consultation, where together we can explore how our  tools might be useful to your organization.


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