In its January 2016 issue, Hospital News magazine featured as its cover story an article by Sharone Bar-David. Titled Taming Workplace Incivility, the article discusses the factors that make hospitals susceptible to workplace incivility, the effects is has on care (and well beyond) and organizational-level paths to solutions.
Previously (October 2015), Hospital News published an article by Ms. Bar-David titled Top 5 Ways to Tame Workplace Incivility. The article was published in advance of Ms. Bar-David’s session for nursing leaders on workplace incivility at Canada’s leading health care conference—HealthAchieve. Its focus is on the individual rather than organizational vantage point, i.e. what leaders and staff members can do to boost civility within their own sphere of influence.
With a circulation of 50,000 in Ontario and another 5000 across Canada, Hospital News has been Canada’s widely read health care newspaper since 1987. It is available in high-traffic areas in hospitals and related institutions across Canada and by direct subscription. Strong, expert editorial keeps health care professionals, administrators, patients and visitors informed of current health care news, medical advancements and trends with a fresh perspective each month.
— To read Taming Workplace Incivility, click here.
— To read Top 5 Ways to Tame Workplace click here.
— To contact us to discover how we can help your organization boost civility and repeat, or to talk about anything, including our workplace civility training workshops or how to help change an abrasive leader, click here. .